Computational thinking and its relationship to the statistical problem-solving reluctance among the higher and lower level of mathematics phobia for students of the College of Education
The study aimed to investigate the relationship between computational thinking and statistical problem-solving reluctance among high and low mathematics students in the College of Education. The study sample amounted to 115 male and female students, and it is an available sample from the Ismailia and Port said College of Education College. The study translated the computational thinking, the problem-solving reluctance, and the mathematics phobia scale. The confirmatory factor analysis tested the validity of the study scales, and it was appropriate to the essence of the sample in the Egyptian environment. The study depended on a score of 99 cut-off point for the Maths phobia scale according to the median score, which corresponds to the degree. The results showed the superiority of those with low Maths phobia in computational thinking. Higher Maths phobia tends to the problem-solving reluctant. The findings showed that there is a negative relationship between the division and the statistical problem-solving reluctance for the lower phobia level and without the presence of phobia. It was noted that there were no relationships between problem-solving reluctance with summarization, evaluation, and generalization. There were no differences in performance between the undergraduate and postgraduate levels on the scale of computational thinking and the scale of problem-solving reluctance, and the three study variables were not affected by the Participants' age.
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