The factorial structure Sensitivity of the reading comprehension test with Meares-Irlen syndrome among Al-Azhar preparatory institutes students
The study aimed to verify the sensitivity of the factorial structure of the reading comprehension test among students of Al-Azhar preparatory institutes who suffer from Meares-Irlen syndrome. The 119 male and female students participated from Al-Azhar institutes in Ismailia and Cairo governorates. An intentional sample had been drawn. The descriptive-analytical approach is suitable for the study's aims. The study depended on Meares-Irlen Syndrome Preliminary Diagnostic Checklist and Reading Comprehension test. The exploratory factor analysis results confirmed that the three factors' total variance explained 54.7% of the overall correlation matrix. The low explained variance is due to the decreasing of visual sensitivity and visual distortions. The results showed that the items of deductive and critical understanding overlapping, due to the learner's dependence on guessing words or the failure of the visuo-spatial component of working memory because of the decay of vision processes.
Keywords: Reading comprehension; Irlen syndrome; Meares-Irlen syndrome; visual stress.
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