Academic emotions (AE) as a mediator between emotional contagion (EC) and emotional memory(EM) among sample of student teachers at the College of Education
The current study aimed to explore the relationship between academic emotions (AE), emotional contagion (EC), and emotional memory (EM), as well as to examine the significance of differences in academic emotions, emotional contagion, and emotional memory based on academic specialization (scientific/literary). The study also tested a proposed model suggesting academic emotions as a mediating variable between emotional contagion and emotional memory in a sample of student teachers at the College of Education. The study sample consisted of 495 student teachers, including 45 male and 450 female students, with a mean age of (21.5 ± 1.06). The study utilized the Academic Emotions Scale for university students developed by Al-Durair, et al (2020), the Emotional Contagion Scale (Arabic adaptation of Doherty's scale, 1997), and the Emotional Memory Scale developed for this study. The results of the study indicated statistically significant relationships between academic emotions, emotional contagion, and emotional memory among the sample of student teachers at the College of Education. Furthermore, significant differences were found in specific dimensions of academic emotions (enjoyment, academic pride, and academic hopelessness) based on academic specialization. However, there were no significant differences in the total scores of academic emotions, emotional contagion, and emotional memory based on academic specialization in the sample of student teachers at the College of Education. Additionally, the proposed model was tested using regression analysis and path analysis, following Baron and Kenny 's (1986) approach and process macro spss by Hayes (2022) . The results supported the proposed model, suggesting that academic emotions serve as a partial mediating variable for the relationship between emotional contagion and emotional memory in the sample of student teachers at the College of Education.
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