The relative contribution of psychological variables to predict schizotypal personality disorder among university students
The goal of the study was to determine how much narcissism, stress, anxiety, depression, and fear of rejection contribute to the likelihood that university students may develop schizotypal personality disorder. Additionally, the prevalence of these characteristics among college students, the correlation between the research variables, and whether or not these variables differ by gender. Sample size was 473 (33 males and 440 females) students in the Menofia University Faculty of Education, with a mean age of 22 and a standard deviation of 4,28. The present study changed the tools after evaluating them for internal consistency, reliability, and validity with EFA and CFA. Results revealed that the prevalence of the variables was roughly normal, that there were no sex differences, and that there were strong positive connections between the research variables. The factors narcissism, fear of rejection, stress, anxiety, and depression predicted the schizotypal personality.
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