The relative contribution of cognitive load and it’s dimensions in predicting cognitive failure among university students
The present study aimed at identifing The relative contribution of cognitive load and it’s dimentions in predicting cognitive failure among sample of university students and to reveal the significance of the differences in cognitive load and cognitive failure according two variables (type and specialization). The study sample was 557 university students (mean age22.8,sd.1.33), consisted of (59 ) male and(498) female students teachers at the Faculty of Education, Menoufia University on whome cognitive load and cognitive failure measures were applied as prepared by the current study. The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation between the students' scores in cognitive failure and each of the cognitive load as dimensions and as a total degree.
The results also found: The internal cognitive load and germane load can predict the cognitive failure of university students, where the beta value reached the level of statistical significance at the level of 0.05. The external cognitive load did not reach the level of statistical significance in its ability to predict cognitive failure among university students. By adding the internal and external cognitive load in one degree and re-predicting again, the results showed that the value of beta -0.586 has reached the level of statistical significance at 0.05. There are no statistically significant differences between males and females in cognitive load and cognitive failure according two variables (gender and specialization).
Keywords: Cognitive Load, Cognitive Failure, University students.
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