A Constructive Model for the Relationship between Emotional Agility, Resilience and Emotional Intelligence among university students
This investigation aimed at examining emotional agility, resilience and emotional intelligence among university students. Also, it aimed at identifying the relationships between the variables, examining the contribution of resilience and emotional intelligence to predict emotional agility among university students. The study aimed also at testing a model structure of the emotional agility, resilience and emotional intelligence among university students. Sample was 322 of university students (59 males and 263 females) with mean age 25.12 and standard deviation 7.37. The study modified tools into Arabic of emotional agility by (David S. , 2016), RSA by (Friborg, Hjemdal, Martinussen, & Rosenvinge, 2003) and emotional intelligence by (Schutte N. , et al., 1989). Results showed that university students have good levels of emotional agility, resilience and emotional intelligence. No statistically significant relationships were found between the three variables, while resilience and emotional intelligence failed to predict the emotional agility. Therefore, the structure model wasn’t tested.
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