Readings in Teacher Preparation Standards of Gifted Education

Keywords: Gifted teachers Standards, Teachers of the Gifted, Giftedness and Creativity.


Abstract: The paper Review the Gifted Teacher’ Standards which published by National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and Council for Exceptional Children (ECC) in 2006 and 2013. And the paper present some points as Future research points.

Key words: Gifted teachers Standards, Teachers of the Gifted, Giftedness and Creativity.


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Author Biography

Hisham Barakat Hussein, Professor of Mathematics Education, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Hishm is a Professor of Mathematics Education, and Consultant of Training and administrative developing.  Teaches in both the undergraduate and Community Services programs at King Saud University. His recent researches examines the Gifted Education program, publishing in distinguished scholarly Journals, Developing Mathematical Thinking, and professional Identity Levels of mathematics teachers.

The Founder of International Foundation of the Future Horizons OÜ. Editor of International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences- (IٍٍSSN 2585-6081), Associate Editor of  "Journal of Arabic Studies in Education & Psychology" (ISSN: 2090-7605).

How to Cite
Hussein, H. (2018). Readings in Teacher Preparation Standards of Gifted Education. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(4), 83 - 108. Retrieved from