differences between alpha coefficients across Self-report Measurements and Cognitive Tasks of Cognitive Load Theory
The study depended on Feldt transformations (1969, 1980) in use of differences between two alpha coefficients across measurements associated with multiple measurements of the cognitive burden theory. The study aimed to compare the self-report and cognitive tasks measurements in Psychological and Educational research. The researcher adopted Peterson (1994) approach to select the optimal sample size, which reached 76 students from the 2nd year of the Psychology department at the Ismailia Faculty of Education. Structural validity had been used to test the common factor structure.
The results revealed that self-report scales were superior in their stability and in their ability to show variance among sample participants. The study recommended relying on self-report measures to judge cognitive traits. If cognitive tasks are used, it is necessary to rely on benchmarks that reflect the cognitive process in problem solving. The score on these benchmarks is given in the light of the Likert scale as a higher correlation in estimating the degree of performance.
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