Using asynchronous group discussions on the web to develop research ethic values and research skills in industrial education (advanced) for PhD students at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Its impact on their attitudes toward learning via the web
The problem of research was concentrated in: " The weakness of doctoral students ' skills in research in industrial education (advanced) because of the use of traditional teaching methods, which led to difficulties and obstacles to the development ethical values of research, and the impact in the palaces of the completion of their research clearly and accurately, and the weak trend of Positive towards learning across the web . "
The study then aimed to design an educational model for the use of asynchronous group discussions across the web, the development of research ethics, research skills in industrial education (advanced) for doctoral students at the Faculty of Industrial Education, And the impact of the use of asynchronous group discussions on the web on PhD's attitudes towards web learning at the Faculty of Industrial Education. This research was followed by an analytical descriptive approach in the preparation of the theoretical framework and the preparation of a list of ethical values Research and research skills in industrial education (advanced) and semi-experimental approaches in building an educational design model for the use of asynchronous group discussions across the web in developing ethical research values, research skills in industrial education (advanced) He urged experimentation and field, and in the light of the interpretation of the results have been reached recommendations and Suggestions including the following:
1 - The need to apply the model of educational design Suggestion in teaching at the Faculty of Industrial Education using electronic group discussions for the acquisition of PhD students industrial education research skills, ethical research values, and achieve a positive trend towards learning through the web.
2- Develop the awareness of the PhD students in the Faculty of Industrial Education to invest their time in communicating through social networks through mobile phones and employing them in e-learning for all courses.
3 - The need for a guide to the ethical values of industrial education researchers, which contributes to the preparation of serious and honest research in the field of industrial education.
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