Education and Learning in the posthumanism Era
A Futuristic Vision
As a result of successive industrial revolutions, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence, which include many and many tools resulting from this, and which still control humans. With the spread of education and the expansion of educational institutions, institutes, and universities, and the increase in entitlement to education at its levels and levels, the need for multiple and advanced methods and approaches has increased. This has resulted in the discovery of advanced technological methods and approaches and modern trends in distance education, e-learning, home education, educational platforms and other new methods, in addition to social networking sites, which have increased cohesion and communication between individuals and societies, whether negatively or positively, in various activities of human life. This has resulted in the discovery of advanced technological methods and approaches and modern trends in distance education, e-learning, home education, educational platforms and other new methods, in addition to social networking sites, which have increased cohesion and communication between individuals and societies, whether negatively or positively, in various activities of human life. With this development, future expectations indicate the subordination of man to God (and God may replace man) and this will lead to the impact of educational methods and learning styles in the post-human stage. The current article aims to identify the concept of post-humanity and transcending humanity, and the impact of human and social life on the developments of the stage and its expectations, and the reflections of this stage on educational and learning methods, human identity, and the preservation of human ethics and values.
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