Educational vision for future challenges facing the Arab nation

  • Mejbel hammad Awad Aljouni Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Ibn ALhaitham, Baghdad University, Iraq
Keywords: Future Challenges, Arab Nation, Educational Vision.


Educational vision for future challenges facing the Arab nation


Aljouni, Mejbel hammad Awad


Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Ibn ALhaitham, Baghdad University, Iraq.


Received:  5 December 2017             Accepted:  25 December 2017


 Abstract: The present paper aims to identify some of the future challenges facing the Arab nation and to clarify the need to form an educational vision to deal with them. The researcher used the induction, logical analysis and Reflective to identify these challenges and reaching to clarify the importance of forming an educational vision to confront them.


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Author Biography

Mejbel hammad Awad Aljouni, Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Ibn ALhaitham, Baghdad University, Iraq

Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Ibn ALhaitham, Baghdad University, Iraq

How to Cite
Aljouni, M. (2018). Educational vision for future challenges facing the Arab nation. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(2), 59-67. Retrieved from