Green education is a future orientation in the digital age.
Abstract: The current paper addresses the concept of green education, its benefits, green education tools such as smart programming system, tablets, iPad, and educational platforms such as Edmodo and how they are employed in the learning process and their benefits for students, teachers, and parents, It also outlines teaching strategies that can keep pace with the educational environment in green education and achieve its objectives such as (learning through situations, Virtual instruction, learning based on real performance, competition-based learning, project-based learning, teaching using the Theory of Creative solution to problems (Triz), The present paper also reviews the concept and specifications of the Green School and the most important Arab and international experiences such as (Japan, Indonesia, Latin American countries, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan) that were involved in the establishment of green schools. With the provision of an educational vision to spread the culture of green education in Egyptian educational institutions.
Keywords: Green education, E-learning platforms, Edmodo, Modern teaching strategies, Innovative problem-solving theory, "triz", Green school, Green education culture.
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