The differences in visuospatial working memory and perceptual load patterns among Formals and mentally talented Pupils with dyscalculia of primary Stage.
The Current research aims to measure the differences in visuospatial working memory and perceptual load patterns among Normal Pupils and their mentally talented Peers with dyscalculia of primary Stage.The sample of this research was selected randomly and consisted of (40) Normal pupils and (20) mentally talented pupils with dyscalculia from Sixth Primary grade and Was also used the following statistical methods: Z Scores, "T" Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test , Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis Test. The current research has come to: There are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.01 between Normal Pupils and their mentally talented Peers with dyscalculia of primary Stage in spatial visual working memory, and their sub-components (recall pattern - spatial visual sequence) in favor of normal pupils and There arenot statistically significant differences due to perceptual load patterns(high-moderate-low) and gender (male-female).
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