Science education and development of the aesthetic component
Abstract: Science education and teaching aim to provide learners with affective, skillful, cognitive and scientific experiences Approaches of teaching science vary to achieve such objectives, developing emotional aspects is one of the most important requirements of the modern life. This is because the learner is in need of emotional gratification especially the sense of aesthetic, as he or she changes the shape of life from materialistic to the feeling of enjoyment and comfort, the aesthetic approach is considered one of the teaching approaches that depends on provoking the emotions, feelings and imagination of learners and increases their enjoyment in learning science. The aesthetic approach aims at increasing the motivation of learners towards learning and developing the sense of beauty and refines their behaviors. It also develops their creative ability and aesthetic values and helps them to perceive the coordination, harmony and compatibility in the relations implied in the natural phenomena. Therefore, this paper recommends the necessity of taking into account the aesthetic components of shapes. Drawings and designs that interest the phenomena and laws when designing science curricula and being sure of including the criteria and procedures of the aesthetic approach in teaching science in the programs of student's preparation in the Faculty of Education.
Key Words: Science Education, the aesthetic components
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