Employment of social networks in the service of the educational process

why? In what? And how?

  • Gamal Ali El-Dahshan Professor of "Foundation of Education", and Dean, College of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt. g_eldahshan@yahoo.com, gamal.eldahshan@edu.menofia.edu.eg
Keywords: social networking, Education


Abstract:  Social networking has become an important and influential tool in the world, especially in the field of education, in view of its spread among all and access to it even through mobile devices that have become widespread among all segments of society, and the spread of Internet networks as well as licenses and ease of use, From their daily lives. Therefore, the pursuit of their use in the service of educational and educational process is logical, does not represent a burden on them, and provides a kind of fun and innovation and excitement, to reach knowledge and achieve the desired educational and educational goals

It can be an appropriate environment to provide a different and advanced education about traditional education, open education that depends on communication and participation as a basis for the educational process as an alternative to indoctrination. It also provides a broad platform for sharing experiences and learning about other experiences that can be used to develop innovation and creativity. Modern and sophisticated and meets the needs of the individual, and in line with the revolution of contemporary technology. Educators and educational institutions in the countries of the world have been alerted to the importance of social networking sites and networks and their role in educating young people and refining the personality and development of youth, stressing the need to make use of the available resources and services in the service of education and education. Social networks, and relied on by most institutions of higher education and universities in the dissemination of news and communication with students and teachers and exchange views and answer the queries as a channel of continuous communication between the educational institution and all its components. In light of all this, and in light of the challenges and changes in the Arab world in all fields, there is no justification for our Arab educational systems to insist on the old traditional method of education, fear and reservations on the part of some of the new, One of the studies is the effectiveness of the application of social networks in the field of education in providing constructive education, without high costs, and with little time and effort by employing its many potentials in this field.

This paper seeks to clarify how to use social networking sites and their potential in the service of educational and educational process.


Keywords:  social networking, educational process، education


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How to Cite
El-Dahshan, G. (2018). Employment of social networks in the service of the educational process. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 2(1), 51 - 86. Retrieved from https://iafh.net/index.php/IJRES/article/view/77