An educational proposal based on the humanistic teaching To activate the teacher role in educational counseling

  • Noura Bouaicha Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, College of Social and Human Sciences, Qasidi University, Marabah, Ouargla, Algeria
Keywords: humanistic teaching , educational counseling.


The upgrading of the teaching process is an urgent need to ensure that the outputs of the educational system to meet the challenges of the third millennium, because the instructor has an essential role in the process of teaching and learning, it is witnessed in this field, The teacher's preparation and to provide the teacher with the opportunity to keep pace with those developments, is a prerequisite for achieving the desired educational goals.

In the same context, the current study aimed to propose some teaching styles based on the humanistic teaching, in order to integrate the teacher's counseling role in the teaching process, where the select of the most prominent intellectual , the main bases, and objectives of the humanistic teaching, as well as teaching practices suitable for this type of teaching, and then activating the role of the instructor in educational counseling.


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How to Cite
Bouaicha, N. (2018). An educational proposal based on the humanistic teaching To activate the teacher role in educational counseling. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(3), 209-228. Retrieved from