Analysis of the Graphological features of Saudi Gifted students participating in the International Olympiad of Mathematics

  • Mohammed Abdullah Alnatheer Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, Founder the Educational Center for Professional Development, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Graphological features, Gifted in Mathematics, The International Olympiad of Mathematics


The aim of the research is to identify the Graphological features among Saudi Gifted students participating in the International Olympiad of Mathematics in Argentina 2012; in the mental, psychological, social and leadership fields, addition the most common among them. The researcher analyzed the Hand Writing of the research sample using the two research methods. Content analysis and case study. They are five Saudi students who are gifted in Mathematics. They are all students who represented the Saudi team at the 2012 International Mathematics Olympiad in the Argentina by using the Arab Analysis Tool and locally, which consisted of (43) features. (7) high mental-Graphological features (58%) of the total actual features, and (9) high psychological Graphological features (50%) of the total actual features, and provide (4) social and leadership features of a high degree and the prevalence of (50%) of the total actual features. Also that these features (20) proportion of prevalence (53%) of the total actual features; they can be characterized as the features of gifted in mathematics. The research also reached a numbers of recommendations.



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How to Cite
Alnatheer, M. (2018). Analysis of the Graphological features of Saudi Gifted students participating in the International Olympiad of Mathematics. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(3), 181-208. Retrieved from