Terrorism in the Digital Era (Cyber Terrorism): Types، Risks & Mechanisms of Encountering
Types, Risks & Mechanisms of Encountering
Terrorism، Digital Era، Cyber Terrorism.
The present paper aims to study the phenomenon of terrorism, which uses electronic and digital means, that called digital terrorism, or Cyber terrorism, which leads to raising the awareness of society about this phenomenon in all its aspects, forms, dangers and methods of confronting them. The present paper deals with the following points: Electronic properties and its dangers, mechanisms and plans to confront electronic terrorism).
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• Abdel-Sabour, Samah. (2014). Digital Terrorism: Patterns of Use of Network Terrorism, Journal of Events Trends, Center for the Future, Issue 2, September 2014, available at https://futureuae.com/en-US/Mainpage/Item/227/%D8%A7%D9 % 84% D8% A5% D8% B1% D9% 87% D
• AL- Arab, Mohamed Massad Arab:. (2014). The New Digital Age: Re - shaping the Future of Individuals, Nations and Business - International Policy - Al - Ahram Foundation - 7-12-2014.
• Al-Ajlan, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Fahad. (2008). Electronic Terrorism in the Information Age, presented to the First International Conference on "Protection of Information Security and Privacy in Internet Law", held in Cairo from 2 to 4 June 2008.
• Al-Alfi, Muhammad Muhammad. (2014). Electronic terrorism from destruction to confrontation - Journal of the language of the age, Journal of Al-Ahram for computer and the Internet and communications - Number 4-12-2014 - Al-Ahram - Al-Fayha - 2014.
• Aljajah, Adel Abdel Sadik. (2009). The Impact of Electronic Terrorism on the Use of Force in International Relations (2001-2007), Unpublished MA Thesis, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, 2009.
• Aljajah, Adel Abdul Sadig. (2009). Electronic Terrorism and Power in International Relations: A New Pattern and Different Challenges, Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Cairo, Egypt (2009).
• ALlawaty, Nasreen Fawzi. (2017). Al - Ahram Journal of Computer, Internet and Communications - No. 13-10-2015 - Al - Ahram Foundation - Al - Fayha - 2017.
• Al-Muniri, Shirihan Nashat. (2012). E-terrorism: Seminar on the risks of cybercrime on the stability of the international system - International Center for Future and Strategic Studies - Cairo - April 2012.
• Al-Rashed, Abdulaziz. (2017). The new weapon, the new terrorism, exploited the technical development to promote their agenda and coordinate their operations remotely is available at http://www.alriyadh.com/1006999
• Alsaleh, Mosleh.. (2002). The phenomenon of contemporary terrorism, nature, factors and trends - King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies and Research, Riyadh, 2002.
• Alsanad, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah. (2017). The means of electronic terrorism in Islam and its methods of combating it is available at http: // shamela ws / browse.php / book-1244 / page-9
• Altter, Sami, and Hamidani, Said. (2017). Terrorism invades social networks: incitement.. recruitment.. and black propaganda, available at http://www.alriyadh.com/alyamamah/article/955131
• Al-Zant, Saad Atwa. (2010). Electronic terrorism and redrafting of national security strategies, the conference of new crimes - how to prove and confront them, (National Center for Social and Criminal Research in Cairo from 15-16/12/2010.
• Attia, Iser Mohammed. (2014). The role of modern mechanisms to reduce the new crimes: electronic terrorism and ways to confront it, the conference of crimes created under the changes and regional and international changes held in the Faculty of Strategic Sciences in Amman, from (2-4 / 9/2014).
• Bashir, Hisham. (2014). Electronic Terrorism in the Shadow of the Technological Revolution and its Applications in the Arab World, Political Outlook, Issue 6, June 2014.
• Dust, Abdel Basset. (2017). The Internet: the most dangerous arm of terrorist organizations is available at : http://www.afrigatenews.net/content/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%86% D8% AA-
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali (2014). The Political Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Times - Islamic University Magazine, p. 48 - Association of Islamic Universities - 2014.
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali.. (2018). - Electronic terrorism in the era of informatics, its manifestations, and mechanisms to face it - A working paper submitted to the second international conference of the Science Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture in Cairo - entitled "Community Management to Fight Terrorism" - at the Egyptian Opera House - Saturday 6 February 2018.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2016). "Electronic terrorism is one of the forms of terrorism in the era of informatics, its manifestations and methods of confronting it." - Working paper presented to the first geographical forum entitled "Terrorism in Egypt between geographical reality and the cultural, psychological and social foundations" organized by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Monofiya University, Monday, December 5, 2016 College.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2016). Digital Citizenship is an Introduction to Arabic Education in the Digital Age "- Criticism and Enlightenment - Second Year - Issue No. 5 - April (2016).المجلة الدولية للبحوث في العلوم التربوية
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). Employment of social networks in the service of the educational process Why? In what? And how? - Working paper presented to the Second International Scientific Conference of the Arab Society and Social Networking in a Changing World in the period from 31 October to 2 November 2017. Media - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). Jamal al-Dahshan writes: Electronic terrorism is the most dangerous form of terrorism in the age of information is available on http://www.shbabalnil.com/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%af%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%88 % d8% b1-% d8% ac% d9% 85% d8% a7% d9% 84%
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). The Arab Women's Women's Center in Cairo, entitled "Women and Quality of Life Technology" held at the Arab International Scout Center in Nasr City, Cairo, on Saturday, December 9, 2017.
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2018). Literacy Information Literacy One of the areas of Adult Education in the Digital Age - 16th Annual Conference of the Center for Adult Education at Ain Shams University Adult Education in the Digital Age "The Great Arab Challenge" for the period from 16 to 18 April 2018 at the Hospitality House at Ain Shams University.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2018). The Role of Information Technology in Support of Democratic Transitions: Digital Democracy as a Model, International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, vol. I Issue 2, March 2018.
• Garrett, R. K., "Protest in an Information Society: A Review of Literature on Social Movements and New ICTs Information", Communication and Society, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006, pp 5 – 8.
• Geagea, Abdel Wahab. (2017). Information security and international relations management are available at https://www.politics-dz.com/threads/almn-almylumati-u-dar-alylaqat-alduli.10851
• Geoff Dean, Peter Bell, Jack Newan, The Dark Side of Social Media :Review of Online Terrorism, Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Vol. 3, No. 4 , April – July 2012, pp 194 – 195.
• Hassanein, Rajab Abdel Hamid. (2012). Security of Electronic Information Networks: Risks and Solutions. - Cybrarians Journal - p. 30 (December 2012).r
• James A. lewis, Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Threats, Center for Strategic and International Studies ,December 2002, available at :http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/021101_risks_of_cyberterror.pdf
• Joseph Nye, "Smart Power and The War on Terror", Asia Pacific Review, Vol. 15, no. 1, 2008, p 11.
• Joseph Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Super Power Cannot Go It Alone, (Oxford University Press, 2002) pp 85-86.
• Khalifa, Ihab Khalifa: How do States protect their security and manage their affairs in the age of the Internet? Available at https://futureuae.com/en-US/FutureFile/Item/12/cyber-politics-%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%81-
• Kurdiy, Ahmed Al-Sayed: Information security, its elements and strategies available at http://kenanaonline.com/users/ahmedkordy/posts/323552
• Nabulsi, Shaker. (2018). From armed terrorism to cyber terrorism is available at http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/show_article.php?main_id=7350
• Naous, son of Yahya al-Tahir. (2015). Combating Electronic Terrorism - Human Needs and Legitimacy - Al - Wakah Bookshop - 2015.
• Philip Seib and Dana M. Janbek, Global Terrorism and New Media: The Post-Al Qaeda Generation, (New York: Routledge, 2011), p. 44
• Qaisi, Nawal. (2011). Some Internet Crimes Against Internet Users, Unpublished Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University.
• Ramih, Yousef bin Ahmed. (2017). Electronic terrorism and social networks are available at http://www.al-jazirah.com/2015/20150323/en2.htm
• Sadiq, Adel. (2017). Cyber attacks ": new patterns and challenges for global security - The Arab Center for Space Research is available at http://accronline.com/article_detail.aspx?id=29088
• Shams al-Din, Fathi. (2017). Electronic terrorism.. The danger of the future growing - Journal of the age of the Journal Journal of Al-Ahram for computer and Internet and communications No. 4-9-2017 - Al Ahram Foundation - Cairo - 2017.
• Abdel-Sabour, Samah. (2014). Digital Terrorism: Patterns of Use of Network Terrorism, Journal of Events Trends, Center for the Future, Issue 2, September 2014, available at https://futureuae.com/en-US/Mainpage/Item/227/%D8%A7%D9 % 84% D8% A5% D8% B1% D9% 87% D
• AL- Arab, Mohamed Massad Arab:. (2014). The New Digital Age: Re - shaping the Future of Individuals, Nations and Business - International Policy - Al - Ahram Foundation - 7-12-2014.
• Al-Ajlan, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Fahad. (2008). Electronic Terrorism in the Information Age, presented to the First International Conference on "Protection of Information Security and Privacy in Internet Law", held in Cairo from 2 to 4 June 2008.
• Al-Alfi, Muhammad Muhammad. (2014). Electronic terrorism from destruction to confrontation - Journal of the language of the age, Journal of Al-Ahram for computer and the Internet and communications - Number 4-12-2014 - Al-Ahram - Al-Fayha - 2014.
• Aljajah, Adel Abdel Sadik. (2009). The Impact of Electronic Terrorism on the Use of Force in International Relations (2001-2007), Unpublished MA Thesis, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, 2009.
• Aljajah, Adel Abdul Sadig. (2009). Electronic Terrorism and Power in International Relations: A New Pattern and Different Challenges, Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Cairo, Egypt (2009).
• ALlawaty, Nasreen Fawzi. (2017). Al - Ahram Journal of Computer, Internet and Communications - No. 13-10-2015 - Al - Ahram Foundation - Al - Fayha - 2017.
• Al-Muniri, Shirihan Nashat. (2012). E-terrorism: Seminar on the risks of cybercrime on the stability of the international system - International Center for Future and Strategic Studies - Cairo - April 2012.
• Al-Rashed, Abdulaziz. (2017). The new weapon, the new terrorism, exploited the technical development to promote their agenda and coordinate their operations remotely is available at http://www.alriyadh.com/1006999
• Alsaleh, Mosleh.. (2002). The phenomenon of contemporary terrorism, nature, factors and trends - King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies and Research, Riyadh, 2002.
• Alsanad, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah. (2017). The means of electronic terrorism in Islam and its methods of combating it is available at http: // shamela ws / browse.php / book-1244 / page-9
• Altter, Sami, and Hamidani, Said. (2017). Terrorism invades social networks: incitement.. recruitment.. and black propaganda, available at http://www.alriyadh.com/alyamamah/article/955131
• Al-Zant, Saad Atwa. (2010). Electronic terrorism and redrafting of national security strategies, the conference of new crimes - how to prove and confront them, (National Center for Social and Criminal Research in Cairo from 15-16/12/2010.
• Attia, Iser Mohammed. (2014). The role of modern mechanisms to reduce the new crimes: electronic terrorism and ways to confront it, the conference of crimes created under the changes and regional and international changes held in the Faculty of Strategic Sciences in Amman, from (2-4 / 9/2014).
• Bashir, Hisham. (2014). Electronic Terrorism in the Shadow of the Technological Revolution and its Applications in the Arab World, Political Outlook, Issue 6, June 2014.
• Dust, Abdel Basset. (2017). The Internet: the most dangerous arm of terrorist organizations is available at : http://www.afrigatenews.net/content/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%86% D8% AA-
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali (2014). The Political Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Times - Islamic University Magazine, p. 48 - Association of Islamic Universities - 2014.
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali.. (2018). - Electronic terrorism in the era of informatics, its manifestations, and mechanisms to face it - A working paper submitted to the second international conference of the Science Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture in Cairo - entitled "Community Management to Fight Terrorism" - at the Egyptian Opera House - Saturday 6 February 2018.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2016). "Electronic terrorism is one of the forms of terrorism in the era of informatics, its manifestations and methods of confronting it." - Working paper presented to the first geographical forum entitled "Terrorism in Egypt between geographical reality and the cultural, psychological and social foundations" organized by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Monofiya University, Monday, December 5, 2016 College.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2016). Digital Citizenship is an Introduction to Arabic Education in the Digital Age "- Criticism and Enlightenment - Second Year - Issue No. 5 - April (2016).المجلة الدولية للبحوث في العلوم التربوية
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). Employment of social networks in the service of the educational process Why? In what? And how? - Working paper presented to the Second International Scientific Conference of the Arab Society and Social Networking in a Changing World in the period from 31 October to 2 November 2017. Media - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). Jamal al-Dahshan writes: Electronic terrorism is the most dangerous form of terrorism in the age of information is available on http://www.shbabalnil.com/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%af%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%88 % d8% b1-% d8% ac% d9% 85% d8% a7% d9% 84%
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2017). The Arab Women's Women's Center in Cairo, entitled "Women and Quality of Life Technology" held at the Arab International Scout Center in Nasr City, Cairo, on Saturday, December 9, 2017.
• EL-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2018). Literacy Information Literacy One of the areas of Adult Education in the Digital Age - 16th Annual Conference of the Center for Adult Education at Ain Shams University Adult Education in the Digital Age "The Great Arab Challenge" for the period from 16 to 18 April 2018 at the Hospitality House at Ain Shams University.
• El-Dahshan, Jamal Ali. (2018). The Role of Information Technology in Support of Democratic Transitions: Digital Democracy as a Model, International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, vol. I Issue 2, March 2018.
• Garrett, R. K., "Protest in an Information Society: A Review of Literature on Social Movements and New ICTs Information", Communication and Society, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006, pp 5 – 8.
• Geagea, Abdel Wahab. (2017). Information security and international relations management are available at https://www.politics-dz.com/threads/almn-almylumati-u-dar-alylaqat-alduli.10851
• Geoff Dean, Peter Bell, Jack Newan, The Dark Side of Social Media :Review of Online Terrorism, Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Vol. 3, No. 4 , April – July 2012, pp 194 – 195.
• Hassanein, Rajab Abdel Hamid. (2012). Security of Electronic Information Networks: Risks and Solutions. - Cybrarians Journal - p. 30 (December 2012).r
• James A. lewis, Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Threats, Center for Strategic and International Studies ,December 2002, available at :http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/021101_risks_of_cyberterror.pdf
• Joseph Nye, "Smart Power and The War on Terror", Asia Pacific Review, Vol. 15, no. 1, 2008, p 11.
• Joseph Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Super Power Cannot Go It Alone, (Oxford University Press, 2002) pp 85-86.
• Khalifa, Ihab Khalifa: How do States protect their security and manage their affairs in the age of the Internet? Available at https://futureuae.com/en-US/FutureFile/Item/12/cyber-politics-%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%81-
• Kurdiy, Ahmed Al-Sayed: Information security, its elements and strategies available at http://kenanaonline.com/users/ahmedkordy/posts/323552
• Nabulsi, Shaker. (2018). From armed terrorism to cyber terrorism is available at http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/show_article.php?main_id=7350
• Naous, son of Yahya al-Tahir. (2015). Combating Electronic Terrorism - Human Needs and Legitimacy - Al - Wakah Bookshop - 2015.
• Philip Seib and Dana M. Janbek, Global Terrorism and New Media: The Post-Al Qaeda Generation, (New York: Routledge, 2011), p. 44
• Qaisi, Nawal. (2011). Some Internet Crimes Against Internet Users, Unpublished Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University.
• Ramih, Yousef bin Ahmed. (2017). Electronic terrorism and social networks are available at http://www.al-jazirah.com/2015/20150323/en2.htm
• Sadiq, Adel. (2017). Cyber attacks ": new patterns and challenges for global security - The Arab Center for Space Research is available at http://accronline.com/article_detail.aspx?id=29088
• Shams al-Din, Fathi. (2017). Electronic terrorism.. The danger of the future growing - Journal of the age of the Journal Journal of Al-Ahram for computer and Internet and communications No. 4-9-2017 - Al Ahram Foundation - Cairo - 2017.
How to Cite
El-Dahshan, G. (2018). Terrorism in the Digital Era (Cyber Terrorism): Types، Risks & Mechanisms of Encountering. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(3), 83-121. Retrieved from https://iafh.net/index.php/IJRES/article/view/58
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