Cognitive-Emotion Regulation and its Relationship to School Engagement among Secondary School Students

  • Walaa Samir Hosney Saad Assistant lecturer at the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Arish University, Egypt,
  • Mokhtar Ahmed El-Kayal Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Ain-Shams University, Egypt.
  • Nabila Abd El Raouf Shourrab Professor and the head of the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Arish University


The current research aimed to reveal the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and school engagement among a sample of Secondary School Students, as well as to know the differences in both cognitive emotion regulation and school engagement according to gender (male-female), and the primary research sample consisted of (323) students (100) male and (223) female students at secondary schools in North Sinai governorate, and the research tools included the cognitive emotion regulation scale, school engagement scale (prepared by the researcher), and The results concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and school engagement, and There are no statistical differences in cognitive emotion regulation and school engagement among the student of the research sample due to gender (male/female).


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How to Cite
Saad, W., El-Kayal, M., & Shourrab, N. (2024). Cognitive-Emotion Regulation and its Relationship to School Engagement among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 7(3), 79 - 137. Retrieved from