Investigating the Relationship between School factors and Self-regulated Science Teaching in Secondary schools
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between school factors (STRA, &PLC) with teachers’ self-regulated science teaching in secondary schools. Self-report questionnaires for PLC and SR were adapted and for STRA it was developed by the researcher. To make the instruments’ valid and reliable, it was checked by experts and pilot study was conducted. Nine (14.3%) secondary schools out of a total of 63 secondary schools found in South Gondar Zone of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia were selected randomly. After selecting the schools, all science teachers, 322 (chemistry, biology and physics) in the selected schools were taken as participants using comprehensive sampling techniques.302/322=93.8% (of which 71(23.5%) were females, 231(76.5%) were males; 32.5% chemistry;34.4% physics and 33.1% biology teachers successfully responded to the three questionnaires. Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis methods were employed. The result showed that the model was adequately fit to the data; PLC only was found a significant positive correlation, predictor and effect with teachers’ self-regulated science teaching. Whereas STRA showed low correlation and non-significant predictor and has no significant effect on teacher’s self-regulation. Implications and recommendations are indicated
Copyright (c) 2022 Mekuriaw Mengistnew Teshome, Amare Sahile, Dawit Asrat

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