The demand of the special education teachers in the 21st century according to 2030 vision

  • Haya mraweh khalf AL- sardeah Assistant Professor of Special Education, College of Education, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia,
Keywords: 21st century skills, special education teachers, KSA 2030 Vision


Abstract:   This study aims to get the opinion of the university professors about the demand of the special education teachers demands according to2030 vision in 21st century, the researcher used the descriptive method to fulfill this goal, and he designed a quistioaire which distributed to 30 university teachers chosen by intentional method I Hail university. Different statistical tools used such as the average, standard deviation, and the alpha Cronbach test. The results were as shown in the tables. The arithmetical mean for all the requirements is high at (04.15), which confirms the importance of the requirements of the 21st century in the preparation of special education teachers. The communication requirement ranked first with the highest average score of 4.33, The daily life skills requirement came second with an average of 4.08. The creative requirement came in third place with an average of 4.04. Recommendation Building a conception to teach and train the special education teachers during service, and pre service according the 21st century demands for the creativity skills, communication skills, using the new technology, and preparing the individuals for life.

Keywords: Demands-21st century skills-special education teachers-kingdom vision


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How to Cite
AL- sardeah, H. (2019). The demand of the special education teachers in the 21st century according to 2030 vision. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 3(1), 387 - 422. Retrieved from