The role of quality of work life in the relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment among faculty members at the Faculty of Education, Taif University

  • Mahmoud Sayed Ali Abosaif Assistant professor of Educational Administration, transitional program, Common First Year, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Self Efficacy


Abstract: This study aimed at investigating whether psychological capital (consisting of hope, resilience, optimism, and efficacy) has a relationship with organizational commitment, and to further examine whether quality of work life can serve as a mediator between psychological capital and organizational commitment in the Faculty of Education, Taif University. Descriptive approach was used primarily as the methodology of this study to test mediation model with a sample of (51) faculty members. Three questionnaires were prepared to measure: psychological capital composed of (26) items in four dimensions (self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience), quality of work life composed of (30) items in five dimensions: (salaries justice, professional development opportunities, security, general life and communication) and commitment composed of (14) items in three dimensions: (continuous and normative and emotional) commitment. The SPSS program was used by adding the Macro analysis process of Hayes (2013).  The Results reveal that psychological capital has a direct role in predicting the faculty member's sense of quality of work life with influence factor of (.70). There is also a relation between the quality of work life and organizational commitment with influence factor of (.62), while there is no direct role of psychological capital in predicting the level of organizational commitment with factor (.03). The quality of work life also mediates the relationship between psychological capital and the level of organizational commitment with influence factor (0.44). The implications of these findings conclude in the article.

Keywords: Mediation Role – Optimism - Self Efficacy– Resilience– Equitable salaries –quality of life


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How to Cite
Abosaif, M. (2018). The role of quality of work life in the relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment among faculty members at the Faculty of Education, Taif University. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(4), 109 - 182. Retrieved from