From the rulings of jurisprudential incidents related to food and medicine

Jurisprudential rulings

  • Ahmed Abo El Kasem Ali Abo El Kasem PhD Candidate in Arish University, Egypt.
  • Amer Salah Mohammed Professor and head of the Arabic Language Department, Faculty of Arts, Arish University. Egypt.
  • Alithy . Hamdy Khalil Alithy Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Sharia and Law in Assiut Dean of the Islamic Culture Center in Minya, Azhar University, Egypt.
Keywords: the rulings of jurisprudential


The current research aims to clarify the provisions of jurisprudential incidents related to food and medicine. The research included an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion that included the most important results that I reached through the research and a list of the most important sources and references that I relied on while writing the research. The first chapter came under the title "Eating meat slaughtered in an illegal manner" and included two requirements: First, the definition of slaughtering linguistically and technically, the wisdom behind the legitimacy of slaughtering, the conditions of slaughtering, and the conditions of the slaughtering tool. Second: The image of the issue and the statement of its ruling. It came under the title "The ruling on eating foods and medicines that contain porcine gelatin in their preparation or manufacture." It included the definition of porcine gelatin, clarifying the disputed location in the issue, clarifying the reason for the disagreement, the image of the issue and its jurisprudential classification, and stating the statements of scholars on the issue. I used the analytical inductive method and the method of monitoring and tracking. Then I concluded the research with a conclusion that included the most important results that I reached from the incidents of foods and drinks: It is not permissible to eat meat slaughtered in an illegal manner. Absolutely unlawful slaughter, such as being hit on the head with a hammer or any sharp instrument or by any unlawful means. It is permissible to use enzymes or gelatins that are of pig origin, if they have been transformed into another substance that differs in characteristics and composition, even if it is pious to leave them. It is permissible to use medicines that contain pork derivatives in their composition, if they have been transformed into another substance when necessary.


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How to Cite
Abo El Kasem, A., Mohammed, A., & Alithy, A. (2025). From the rulings of jurisprudential incidents related to food and medicine. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 8(2), 475 - 508. Retrieved from