Designing a cognitive-behavioral counseling program and measuring its effectiveness in developing students’ social acceptance towards their peers with mild intellectual disabilities in integration schools.

  • Asmaa Mohamed Radwan Mansour Assistant lecturer in the Department of Special Education, Al-Arish University, Egypt,
  • Ehab Abdel Aziz Al-Beblawi Professor of Mental Health and Special Education and Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at Zagazig University, Egypt.


        The current study aimed to Designing a behavioral cognitive program and measuring its effectiveness in developing social acceptance of students towards their simple intellectual peers in integration schools, To achieve the goal, the researcher prepared the behavioral cognitive guiding program, which is from fifteen collective guidance sessions, and used the social acceptance scale (preparation of the researcher), and the one -group experimental design was relied upon, and the research sample consisted of (8) students between (8.88) General and (10.79) years, with an average account (9.93), and a standard deviation (0.67). The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: statistically indicative growth in social acceptance with its dimensions among the students of the experimental group from their peers from the students of the control group, after they were exposed to the guiding program, and the results also indicated an acceptable effectiveness of the guiding program in achieving this growth. The study was concluded by submitting a set of recommendations and proposals in light of its findings.


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How to Cite
Mansour, A., & Al-Beblawi, E. (2024). Designing a cognitive-behavioral counseling program and measuring its effectiveness in developing students’ social acceptance towards their peers with mild intellectual disabilities in integration schools. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 7(3), 295 - 350. Retrieved from