The structure of the psychological capital scale of a sample of secondary school teachers in Ismailia Governorate
The study aimed to investigate the factorial structure of the psychological capital scale of a sample of secondary school teachers. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach. An available sample of secondary school teachers was selected, consisting of 400 male and female teachers. The researcher used the psychological capital Inventory (PCI) prepared by Luthan (2007), and the translated it into the Arabic image by author, and verified, through the validity of the translation, the extent of its suitability for the Egyptian environment. The study relied on the original long version, which consisted of 24 items. The Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) verifies the structure in the Egyptian environment, and the results indicated that the dimensions of self-efficacy and hope is stable, while the dimension of optimism disappeared completely, while the vocabulary of the dimension of flexibility was distributed over the other two dimensions.
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