What Do Students’ of (15-17) Year’s Old Beliefs and Feelings Tell Us about Teaching and Learning Mathematics

  • Sondos Mohammad Abd El-Rahim Ishtaya College of Educational Sciences, The University of Jordan bloodstone91@hotmail.com
  • Ibrahim Ahmad El-Shara Professor of Mathematics Education. College of Educational Sciences, The University of Jordan, I.shara@ju.edu.jo
Keywords: Beliefs, Basic Stage, Secondary Stage, Mathematics, Qualitative Study


   This study aimed to reveal students of (15-17) year’s old beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics, using the qualitative method. (104) male and female students participated in the study; they are divided into the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades (48, 21, 35) respectively. The results showed that the students believed that the mathematics teacher and his/her teaching methods were the main reason students liked or disliked mathematics. Some of them believe that mathematics is difficult and complicated, while others believe that it is boring; on the other hand, there are those who believe of its importance. In light of the results, the researchers strongly recommend the necessity of qualifying mathematics teachers to deal positively with their students, and enrich the content with activities that are attractive to students.


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How to Cite
Ishtaya, S., & El-Shara, I. (2022). What Do Students’ of (15-17) Year’s Old Beliefs and Feelings Tell Us about Teaching and Learning Mathematics. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 5(3), 231 - 260. Retrieved from http://iafh.net/index.php/IJRES/article/view/366