Distance Leadership Use and Faculty Members Job Satisfaction at Sultan Qaboos University During Pandemic Covid-19

  • Aieman Ahmad Al-Omari Sultan Qaboos University
  • Aisha Al-Harthi College of education, Dept. of Educational Foundations and Administration, Sultan Qaboos University. Oman
  • Khalaf Alabri College of education, Dept. of Educational Foundations and Administration, Sultan Qaboos University. Oman
  • Omer Hashim College of education, Dept. of Educational Foundations and Administration, Sultan Qaboos University. Oman
Keywords: Distance leadership, faculty members, job satisfaction, Sultan Qaboos University, COVID-19


The aim of this study was to assess faculty members' perceptions of their current department chairpersons' leadership frame use as it relates to their self-reported job satisfaction at Sultan Qaboos University in Sultanate of Oman. An online survey involving 128 faculty members was conducted. The questionnaire consists The Leadership Orientations (Other) Survey instrument with 32 questions, and Mohrman-Cooke-Mohrman Job Satisfaction Scale with 8 questions. Of the participants, 68.8% were males, and 31.3% were females. About 49.2% were in Humanities colleges, and 50.8% were in scientific. The predominant leadership frame for the department chairpersons was "human resources" (M=4.53, SD=.67). Intrinsic job satisfaction (M=4.13, SD=.60), was higher level than extrinsic job satisfaction (M=3.91, SD=.62). The correlation test showed that there was significant positive correlation between intrinsic, extrinsic job satisfaction and leadership frames. High level of correlation was between Intrinsic job satisfaction and Human leadership frame (r=.781).


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How to Cite
Al-Omari, A., Al-Harthi, A., Alabri, K., & Hashim, O. (2022). Distance Leadership Use and Faculty Members Job Satisfaction at Sultan Qaboos University During Pandemic Covid-19. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 5(3), 105 -130. Retrieved from http://iafh.net/index.php/IJRES/article/view/352