Suggested perspective to develop secondary stage Arabic language curriculum in light of wisdom Dimensions

  • suad Gaber Mahmud Hassan Associate professor of Arabic language Teaching, Aswan University, Egypt.
Keywords: Teaching for wisdom, wisdom Dimensions, develop curriculum, Arabic language curriculum


The study aimed at deducting wisdom components, reveal degree of inclusion of these Dimensions and its form in the Arabic language curriculum for secondary stage, and propose inclusion perspective, using descriptive approach reached a list of principles divided into four areas :goals , content, activities , evaluation . The study sample consisted of five Arabic books in the three grades of 2018-2019. Analysis revealed that the degree to which the components are explicitly included .,9 is very low in all grades.

A proposed perspective based on synthesis wisdom dimensions from several models to include these principles in Arabic language curricula developed. The research recommended reformulate Arabic language curricula for other stages by including wisdom in its dimensions and components, specifications of wise behavior, discussing local and international issues in content, and training teachers to teach for wisdom.


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How to Cite
Hassan, suad. (2020). Suggested perspective to develop secondary stage Arabic language curriculum in light of wisdom Dimensions. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 3(3), 289 - 356. Retrieved from