The Feasibility of Internet of things applications in Education

  • Ali Theeb Alaklabi The Vice supervisor of King Saud University Press for Scientific Affairs, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.


Abstract:  This study dealt with the issue of the return from the Internet of things applications on the educational process to contribute to education and awareness, so that the actors in the process of teaching teachers and students of the benefits of facilitating the completion of tasks and deepen understanding and investment of time and effort in the lowest forms of material costs, mental and physical, A set of results represented in the study of the most important challenges, the most important of which was the lack of infrastructure readiness, the lack of regulatory regulations for Internet applications things, and the growing concerns of violating the privacy of user data, and the study of the most important features of Internet resources, especially in the educational environment, such as the possibility of contributing effectively to the development of information institutions services, and the service of scientific research, and the development of artificial intelligence capabilities, which contributed to the real increase of things related to the Internet; the study recommended the recommendations of the most important recommendations for further studies dealing with The relationship between the services and work of educational institutions and Internet applications things, and work to raise awareness of the importance of the role of the Internet in the development of the educational process, and study the areas of concern that threaten to invest Internet applications things in the educational process.

Key words: Feasibility, Internet of things, processes Education


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How to Cite
Alaklabi, A. (2019). The Feasibility of Internet of things applications in Education. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 2(3), 93 - 122. Retrieved from