The Degree of Practicing Electronic Management Among Public School Principals from the Teachers' Perspective in Palestine
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the degree of practicing electronic management among public school principals from the teachers' perspective in Palestine and the effect of variables (gender, educational qualification, years of service in teaching, and directorate). To achieve the study's objective, the researcher used the descriptive method and employed a questionnaire as the research tool, which was validated and proven reliable. The study standards were applied to a stratified random sample that included 375male and female teachers selected from the study population of 15,555 male and female teachers. The results showed that the total degree of the practice of electronic management among the principals of public schools in Palestine was high, with an arithmetic mean of 4.17. The findings indicated no significant statistical differences at the significance level (α≥.05) in the averages of electronic management practices among public school principals from the teachers' perspective in Palestine attributable to variables (gender, educational qualification, directorate). The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≥.05) between the means of practicing electronic management among public school principals from the perspective of teachers in Palestine, attributed to the variables (sex, educational qualification, directorate). However, it showed differences according to the variable of years of service in teaching. The differences favored those who had years of service in teaching less than (5) years. In light of the study's findings, the researcher recommends using electronic management to monitor the teaching staff's daily plans and activities, which could achieve higher efficiency in the educational process.
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