This study aimed to identify the relationship between Risk-taking Behavior and job satisfaction among medical staff in Facing the covid-19 virus in Jordan, in addition to clarify the variances between Risk-taking Behavior and job satisfaction among medical staff in Facing the covid-19 virus in Jordan according to the gender variable (M & F). To accomplish the study's objectives, the descriptive-analytical method was adopted, and a questionnaire was developed to collect the data. As the study sample consisted of (368) medical staff working in facing the covid-19 virus in hospitals, in addition to epidemiological investigation teams, field stations for examination and quarantine. The study found several findings, the most important are: there is a positive correlation between Risk-taking Behavior and job satisfaction among medical staff, and a middle level of Risk-taking Behavior and job satisfaction among medical staff. The study also revealed the statistically significant differences in the level of Risk-taking Behavior according to gender variable (M & F) in favor of the males, and the lack of statistically significant differences in the level of job satisfaction among medical staff according to gender variable. Therefore, the study recommended the necessity of concentration of pay attention to medical staff who work in the hospitals; through holding periodic meetings to discuss the most prominent functional needs and requirements of the staff being a safety net to those hospitals in light of their future. In addition to provide the required financial allocation for extra awards to the medical staff.
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