The reality of teaching physics at the undergraduate level, and Development Horizons

  • mohanad sami AlAlwani Professor of faculty member, Zawia University, Libya ,
Keywords: teaching reality, physics teaching, teaching development.


This paper summarizes the reality of teaching physics at the undergraduate level, in light of the challenges of reality and the future and keeping pace with the scientific development that the science of physics is constantly witnessing, as it sheds light on this reality through some suggestions that would advance and develop the process of teaching physics at the university level and for specialists In this science, whether from a theoretical, practical or applied point of view, from a theoretical point of view, to use modern technologies and develop courses by keeping pace with the scientific developments in the advanced international universities. As for the practical aspect, the laboratories should have computers that are used to draw curves and extract the results, and that these laboratories should be equipped with all that is required for the experiments, and that the work of these experiments is linked after the theoretical lectures. As for the practical aspect, which includes complex problems, it is better to divide students into groups to solve those problems as it is in practical experiments, and to announce to students the questions that should be solved a week before so that they are aware of the scientific material and ready for it.

Keywords: teaching reality, physics teaching, teaching development.


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How to Cite
AlAlwani, mohanad. (2020). The reality of teaching physics at the undergraduate level, and Development Horizons. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 4(1), 157 - 162. Retrieved from