The effectiveness of mental mapping strategy in developing historical concepts, visual thinking and some habits of mind among fourth grade primary school students
Abstract: The problem of research was determined in the "weakness of fourth grade students in learning historical concepts and skills of visual thinking and practice habits of mind because of the dependence of teaching history at the primary level on traditional methods based on the teacher's memorization and memorization by learners, and attention to the functions of the left half The brain, represented by logical and analytical and numerical processes, while neglecting the innovative, emotional and spatial processes, which are functions of the right hemisphere of the brain, resulting in the control of the left hemisphere in dealing with knowledge and Therefore, the research aimed to prepare two units of history curriculum for the fourth grade of primary according to the strategy of mental maps; The semi-experimental approach when building the two units according to the strategy of mental maps, and the preparation of research tools and field experimentation, and in the light of the interpretation of the results were reached recommendations and proposals, the most important of which are the following: Holding training courses for history teachers and mentors at the stage to train them on how to use mind maps in teaching history. To draw the attention of those who develop curricula by reviewing the planning and organization of the content of history books in the primary stage to include history books some models of mental maps and visual activities and educational tasks in accordance with the content of the study. And Preparation of guides for the teacher of social studies at the primary level; to help the teacher to teach history using mental maps.
Key Words: mental maps, historical concepts, visual thinking, habits of mind, teaching history, elementary school.
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