The Effectiveness of synchronous collaborative learning (Electronic/Blended) on Achievement and Developing Skills of Employing Active Learning among Al-Aqsa University Students of College of Education
Abstract: This research investigated the effect of two types of synchronous collaborative learning (Electronic and Blended) on achievement and developing the skills of employing active learning among Al-Aqsa University students of college of education. The researcher followed the experimental approach to answer the questions and test hypotheses. The sample of the research consisted of two groups, each one included (30) students. The researcher used the cognitive achievement test and an evaluation card to measure the skills of employing active learning. The result revealed the effectiveness of synchronous collaborative learning (Electronic / Blended) on developing these skills, and the existence of a statistically significant difference between synchronous collaborative learning (Electronic / Blended) in developing the skills of employing active learning in favor of the group adopted the synchronous collaborative learning (Blended).
Key words: Synchronous Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Learning (Electronic/Blended), Skills of Employing Active Learning.
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